President’s Message

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Mr. Jailal Singh Rebari,
Raika Foundation.

President's Message

Dear Students, Parents, and Faculty,

I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to all of you on behalf of RAIKA FOUNDATION. As the President of this organization, it brings me great joy to convey our message to the wonderful school community through this platform.

At RAIKA FOUNDATION, our mission is to make a positive and lasting impact and enriching the lives. We firmly believe that education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future, and we are committed to working hand in hand with THE RAIKA SCHOOL  to create a brighter tomorrow for all.

I am confident that under the leadership of  Director Mr.Pawan Singh Raika and the Principal Mrs.Poonam Raika , the entire school cohort will put in their best to make this school the finest in the city. Every student will ‘Come , Learn and Serve ’ in service of this great nation of ours and the society to which we owe so much.

Thank you for your unwavering support, and I look forward to a fruitful collaboration with THE RAIKA SCHOOL.

Warm regards,
Mr. Jailal Singh Rebari,
Raika Foundation.




Agni signifies energy and passion



Jal embodies prosperity and purity



Vayu represents transparency and movement



Prithvi symbolizes stability and harmony

At The Raika School, curricular and co-curricular activities are seamlessly integrated through four houses inspired by the four natural elements – Agni, Jal, Vayu, and Prithvi. Each house reflects a specific life element, fostering unity in diversity. These five elements combine together to create a balance in nature which ultimately helps in the creation and sustenance of life.
Four houses offer platforms to the students to struggle, compete and to win. They apparently seem to be different but they are one complete integral unit of THE RAIKA SCHOOOL to ensure a perfect coherence.
This structure encourages healthy competition and a sense of belonging, contributing to holistic student development.